Booking Resort Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") strives to realize its management philosophy through various websites including the accommodation reservation website "Resort" and businesses that support attracting customers to accommodation facilities. We recognize that protecting personal information is a social responsibility.Recognizing the importance of the personal information of our customers, business associates, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "personal information") that our company acquires, uses, stores, provides, deletes, and disposes of in the course of business, we We will respect the rights and interests of individuals, and handle personal information lawfully and appropriately in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other norms.For this purpose, we have established voluntary rules and systems and established the following basic policy (hereinafter referred to as "this policy").
1. Our company complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify Specific Individuals in Administrative Procedures, related laws and regulations, and guidelines of related ministries and agencies (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Laws, etc."). ) and handle personal information appropriately.
2. The Company strives to keep the personal information it holds accurate and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and takes other measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, and to take other measures to safely manage personal information. We will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure this.
3. Our company has established an internal system and various regulations for the protection of personal information, operates them effectively, and strives to continuously improve them.Additionally, in the event of an emergency, we will promptly take corrective measures.
4. Our company will promptly and honestly respond to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information.
Booking Resort Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Masao Sakane
XNUMX.Acquisition of personal information
Our company conducts transactions related to our accommodation facilities, listed accommodation facilities, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as "facilities"), and products (accommodations, food and beverages, sales of goods, provision and sale of other incidental products, and services). (e.g.), transactions with businesses affiliated with our company, and other transactions, we acquire personal information by the following methods.
(XNUMX) Direct acquisition from the person in question
・Telephone calls, written documents (including electromagnetic records), business cards, orally, the Internet (including obtaining information related to devices, browsers, and apps), etc.
・The following websites operated by our company
- Booking Resort Co., Ltd. (
- Resort (
- Inu Yado (
- DOG VILLA Chiba Minamiboso (
- Riverside Camp Field Chichibu (
- Chichibu Bettei Komura (
(XNUMX) Acquisition from a person who has been given legitimate authority by the person in question
Applicants, introducers, travel agencies, business partners, business operators accepting packaged products, etc.
(XNUMX) Acquisition from published information
Internet, newspapers, telephone directories, books and other publications, etc.
XNUMX. Purpose of use of personal information
We will use personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes listed below, and will not use it for any other purpose without prior consent.
(XNUMX) Transactions related to accommodation facilities and products (accommodations, food and beverages, sales of goods, provision and sale of other incidental products, provision of services, etc.), transactions with businesses affiliated with our company, and other transactions. For communication, shipping of products, payment/settlement, and other related matters.
(XNUMX) To respond to inquiries, requests, etc. to our company and partner facilities.
(XNUMX) To notify and send information, advertisements, promotions, questionnaires, etc. related to the business operations of our company and our business partners to the individual by e-mail, mail, courier, telephone, facsimile, or other means.
(XNUMX) To understand and analyze the usage status of services, etc., for the purpose of improving, developing, marketing, etc., services, etc. related to our company and partner facilities and products.
(XNUMX) To provide appropriate information on the website, provide accommodation and other reservation services, ensure security, maintain and manage the website, perform statistical analysis on usage status, and distribute advertisements by affiliated third parties.
(XNUMX) For the management and operation of each member organization of the Company, the provision of services to members, and matters incidental thereto.
(XNUMX) To prepare, provide, and preserve a guest list as stipulated by laws and regulations.
XNUMX.Providing personal information
Our company will not provide acquired personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases.
(XNUMX) When there is customer consent
(XNUMX) Cases based on laws and regulations
(XNUMX) When it is necessary to protect a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.
(XNUMX) In cases where it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy upbringing of children, and where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned.
(XNUMX) In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with a national organization, local government, or a person entrusted by them in carrying out the affairs stipulated by law, and the execution of said affairs is obtained by obtaining the consent of the person concerned. If there is a risk of interfering with
(XNUMX) When entrusting all or part of the handling of personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use.
XNUMX.Joint use of personal information
Among the personal information provided by customers, our company will jointly use the minimum amount of personal information necessary within the scope of the purpose of use as follows.
(XNUMX) Items of personal information to be jointly used
Reservation information entered on our company's various websites
(Name, email address, gender, date of birth, postal code, address, phone number, etc.)
(XNUMX) Scope of joint users
Facilities listed on our company's various websites that have been reserved by customers.
(XNUMX) Purpose of joint use
・For various communications such as proposals
・To provide systems and services based on contracts
・For system and service maintenance and operation
・To respond to various inquiries
(XNUMX) Personal data management officer for shared use
Booking Resort Co., Ltd.
Personal information protection manager Yuji Imai
When providing products and services to customers, our company may outsource some of the work and provide personal information to subcontractors within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.In this case, we will appropriately manage and supervise these subcontractors, including entering into confidentiality agreements regarding the handling of customers' personal information.
XNUMX.Measures taken to safely manage retained personal data
(XNUMX) Organizational safety management measures
・We have established a policy regarding the handling of personal information, which we have thoroughly disseminated within the company as a personal information protection policy, and also published on our web page for the general public to access.
・Procedures for handling personal information are established for each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion/disposal, etc., including handling methods, persons in charge and their duties, etc., compiled as a regulatory document, and disseminated throughout the company. Masu.
・We regularly conduct self-inspections regarding the handling of personal information.
・We restrict the number of employees who handle personal information.
(XNUMX) Personnel safety management measures
・We provide regular training to employees regarding matters to be noted regarding the handling of personal information.
・We have obtained confidentiality pledges from employees.
(XNUMX) Physical safety control measures, technical safety measures
・In order to prevent employees other than the person in charge of handling personal information or other unauthorized persons from viewing personal information, measures have been taken in the seating arrangement of the person in charge of handling the information.
- We limit the number of employees who handle personal information.
-Personal information is stored in locked cabinets and servers with access restrictions.
- We have installed firewalls to prevent unauthorized access to servers, etc. from outside.
We also take measures against unauthorized software such as computer viruses.
(XNUMX) Understanding the external environment
・We do not outsource or store personal information overseas.
XNUMX.Regarding procedures for disclosure, etc.
Regarding requests for disclosure of retained personal data (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, deletion, and suspension of provision to third parties) and requests for disclosure of records provided to third parties. If you would like to make an inquiry, please contact our inquiry desk and we will guide you through the necessary procedures.In accordance with laws and regulations and our company regulations, we will notify you using the requested disclosure method within a reasonable period of time.Additionally, if we are unable to comply with some or all of your requests, we will explain the reason.
Personal information inquiry desk
530F Pacific Marks Nishi-Umeda, 0001-2-6 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka, Osaka 20-15
Booking Resort Co., Ltd. Management Department General Affairs Division
Enactment date: 2022/4/20
Revision date: July 2024, 3
that's all